Good Roots Lotus Chips
Lotus chips are specially prepared slices of lotus root. The lotus flower blossoms and floats on ponds and lakes, while the less visible but more tasty root is firmly embedded in the soil underneath the water. Springing up from its challenging and muddy surrounding, the beautiful lotus flower is a symbol of hope, purity, and serenity.
Good Roots Lotus chips are very tasty and healthy snack. All age groups are drawn to their unique taste, texture, color and shape of Good Roots Lotus Chips. Others are drawn to the fun and tasty snack experience of Good Roots Lotus Chips. You’ll love the taste and texture of the fried lotus root slices. The root texture is anything but frail and crumbly; our preparation processes provide a chip with a full and fibrous chew. The golden spherical shape make this snack light, airy and truly enjoyable to eat.